Tournament > Game Schedule (F)

When you create a new one, you will receive an "empty" form.
Here you can select everything you need to create the game plan.

First you choose the relevant tournament.                Then the type of round (preliminary round or knockout round)

This is followed by the round type (KO main / or consolation round)

Under "Round" you can select every single game round,
to create the game plan manually.

All tournaments that have already been set up are displayed under "Tournament group"
with the corresponding groups.
You can select this here.

(For example, to select a group from the preliminary round, you have to choose it
 previously selected in the settings for the tournament.
 This means:
 If you play a tournament without a group stage - for example a double knockout system,
 of course, you cannot choose a group, otherwise no players will choose themselves
 to let)