Remove / disqualify players

It happens again and again that a player does not want to continue playing.
The "disqualification" option can be used for this purpose.
Of course, this cannot be done within one round.
If a player is unable to play during a group stage, for example,
so the remaining games against this player must be zeroed.
He can then be disqualified for the further rounds.
This also applies to every lap that has not yet been created in the Swiss system.

For a disqualification you proceed as follows:

Call the tournament participants.

Then click on the relevant participant.

Now click on the "Tournament" tab and turn the slide
r to green.
Select the round in which the player is disqualified.
Then save.

Closes the window by clicking on

Back to the "tournament settings" ...

... and click on "Create schedule"
(If you have already created the game plan in the Vorfelt, you can simply click it again
 click. The old plan will then be overwritten)

The player is no longer listed in your game plan, but is still part of the tournament.
(A placement is currently not planned for a player who has dropped out).