Explanation of terms
("Commissioner", honorary or full-time official or mandate holder)
A functionary is the person who has a certain position in the club / association.
These people run an office within their organization.
This could be, for example: club chairman, treasurer, sports attendant, etc.
These persons act in the interests of the club / association.
Front end:
The front end is the page on the Internet that is visible to everyone. Without a login being required.
Your tournaments, tournament series, leagues etc. appear in the front end.
So it's the public website.
The backend is the area that is available to 2K Dart Software customers to host tournaments, leagues and much more. to create.
In this protected area only the customer of the 2K Dart Software has access to his data. To access these functions,
a login is required.
In short: the backend is the area for administration
Group stage:
The group stage is intended to allow players to play as many games as possible in a tournament.
You play against each other in a smaller drawn group and the placement within this small group
decides whether to continue playing in the tournament.
Either the tournament director or the tournament director decides who qualifies for another round of the game
the requirements of the club or association.
The better the placement within the group, the greater the chance
to advance to the next round of the game.
Round Robin:
The round robin system is generally used in the group stage.
It means everyone is playing against everyone.
DKO (double KO)
The double KO means that you have to play at least 2 games before you are eliminated from the tournament.
After the first lost game you get another chance and can prove yourself on the losing side.
Only after the second lost game are you completely eliminated from the tournament. If someone succeeds on the losing side
To win all games, you can still become the overall winner of a tournament despite losing the first game.
SKO (Single KO)
The single KO means that you are eliminated from the tournament after the first lost game.
There is no other way to continue playing in the tournament.
Play distance
Game distance is the number of legs that are played within each round.
For example, if you play a best of 5, the game is decided with a score of 3: 0.
A first to 5 would also be possible, then the game would end with a score of, for example, 5: 1.
The game distance can vary in each game round. This is decided by the respective tournament rule or the tournament director.
The individual games are called a leg. In a 501 game, a leg is over,
as soon as a player has played the 501 down to exactly 0 points. This is usually done with a double out.
Double out
Double out means the last arrow thrown to end the game. So if you still have 32 points,
To bring the game to zero, you have to throw the last arrow into double 16 in a double out.
With 16 points in double 8 etc ... This goes up to double 1. So you have to have at least 2 points remainder,
to finish a leg. Otherwise you have fallen out and the rest of the score remains until the next shot.
Single out
With a single out it is important to "throw out" the remaining score in a leg with a single number.
For example, if you have 15 points left, you can "identify" them with a simple thrown 15
and decide the leg for yourself.
The dart player describes the respective throw with 3 arrows on the board as a recording.
Each player alternately has 3 arrows to take up in order to throw as many points as possible.
KO main round
We call the main round the winning side after the group stage. So in a single KO
only one player in the main round will win the tournament, as every player is eliminated immediately after a loss.
KO consolation round
We call the consolation round the losing side after the group stage. In this way it is possible
to offer all players as many games as possible, even with a single knockout.
In a double knockout plan, it is also possible on the losing side to win the entire tournament at the end.
Best of 3, 5, 7….
In the Best of x mode, a game is considered won by whoever wins the best possible number of legs first.
In the case of a best of 3, the player needs 2 won legs to end the game.
High finish
We call highfinish the end of a leg with a recording and a remaining score
from 101+ points (in some clubs / associations a finish from 100 is considered a high finish)
This is what we call a score of 180 points with just one recording.
(The same applies here: in different clubs / associations / tournaments a 171 can also be rated as a high score.
This can of course also be adjusted in our software)
Short game
We call a game a short game when you manage to finish a 501 game with 18 arrows or less.
(And of course there are also regionally different interpretations, which we have taken into account in our software)